​This gift includes: 

Fifteen various size packing boxes, Four heavy-duty packing tape,​ Tape dispenser​, Wrapping paper

  • Lux packaging 
  • Personalized notecard
  • ​FREE delivery within Toronto*

Closing day

Sent within 1-3 days of the closing date

​This gift includes: 

Acai wood bowl, Acai wood tossing spoons, Set of kitchen towels, Favuzzi pesto, Favuzzi pasta, Favuzzi olive oil, Favuzzi tomato sauce

Once we receive your form, we will follow up with a confirmation and send you an invoice for payment.

Lets get started...

​This gift includes: 

Lux wood serving board*, Lux CF blanket, Gourmet cheese x 2, Gourmet Olives, Crackers

*Personalization available for an additional charge of $20

Moving day

Sent 7-14 days prior to moving day

Possession day

Sent on possession day or shortly after

corporate gifts Toronto

​Order 12+ of the same package and benefit from a bulk discount **

​This gift includes: 

French press coffee/tea maker, Gourmet coffee pack, Gourmet cookie pack

Shipping across Canada & United States

corporate gifts Toronto

Milestone day 2

You choose the date we will deliver your gift

Milestone day 1

You choose the date we will deliver your gift

What's includes:


Contact us today for all your custom CORPORATE & HOLIDAY gifting needs

​This gift includes: 

Swiffer starter pack, Chlorex, Fantastic, Vim, Windex, Mr. Clean magic eraser, Bar keepers friend, reusable kitchen cloth, scrubbing sponges, cleaning gloves, paper towel